Articles tagged #GIFT
Articles tagged
How to Simplify, Give With Intent and Consume Less This Holiday Season
The holidays can be joyful, nostalgic, and somewhat chaotic! And the prospect of figuring out gift giving can be expensive and on the daunting list. So, this year we are trying something a little different with our gift giving. These tips are geared towards helping you simplify, give with intent and even consume less!
UMB’s Sustainable and Chic Gift Guide
We are seeking sustainable, unique and chic this year so we’ve gathered some luxe gift ideas that are sure to delight! And for added efficiency while reducing wasteful packaging, gather a group together to go in on one special thing and wrap it in a UMB! 🧡
Spread the Gift of Love this Holiday Season
Most people you know probably need a little extra love this year, right?! That’s why this holiday season, we’re thinking outside-of-the-box when it comes to giving gifts. We’re focusing less on monetary items and more on making loved ones smile through thoughtful gestures. With loneliness at an all-time high, it’s the little, non-monetary things that mean the most right now.