Articles written by Urban Market Bags
Articles written by
Urban Market Bags
Five Reasons to Prioritize Eating Seasonally
Have you ever tasted a farm-fresh heirloom tomato in the late summer and wondered if you’ve eaten a tomato before? Eating with the seasons really makes a difference in the taste and nutritional content, plus it’s the most eco-friendly choice. Here are five reasons to shop seasonal:
Travel Must Haves
Our summer calendar is always full to the brim, and that’s just the way we like it. Hurrying from one sunny afternoon to the next, you have to be prepared for everything. Since you never know what speed you might find yourself at or how long the transit time is, we have a few travel must-haves to get you through every adventure short or long.
Individually we are one drop. Together we are an ocean.
Join us as we chat with the founders of Urban Market Bags to hear about the inspiration behind the new Ocean 3-pack.
2017 Holiday Gift Guide
We have a winning gift equation for you to follow this year that will take your giving from a single gift to an entire experience... Urban Market Bags + [insert gift idea here] = extremely happy recipient Friends and family will be thinking of you all year long when they are on the go with their Urban Market Bags in tow. Pick up a pack (or two, or three) and start thinking up clever combinations to inspire memorable experiences. Or read on for our gift recommendations. Artisans, small businesses and sustainable practices were top of mind when selecting our holiday gift picks this year..
Five Tips for an Eco-Friendly Holiday
Let's face it, the holidays can be overwhelming. With all the chatter, it's easy to lose sight of some important issues such as making sustainable and eco-friendly choices. We've come up with a few ways you can cut back and conserve while celebrating in style.
Dirty Politics: Decoding California’s Proposed Plastic Bag Ban
California voters chose to uphold the first statewide ban on single-use plastic or paper carryout bags this week, setting a precedent for other states to follow. This is a momentous step toward reducing waste and protecting the environment. Way to go, California! In case you are rushing to the polls and don’t have time to brush up on the California ballot measures, Urban Market Bags has you covered when it comes to plastic bags. Here is what you need to know about Proposition 65 and Proposition 67.
Businesses with a Fresh Spin on Sustainability
Life is busy, but making sustainable choices doesn't need to be a hassle. We covet these brands and products which make going green easy.
#whatsinyoururbanbag: Summer Beauty Haul
Slowly but surely, we're ditching the chemically-laden beauty products we've used for years and replacing them with their less harmful, and just as effective, counterparts. No, we're not perfect (ahem...aerosol...ahem), but we are taking a step in the right direction. As we look forward to a summer full of adventures, we know getting dolled-up will be taking a backseat. Simplicity is key and also helps keep our suitcases light. Tucked away in one of our Urban Market Bags, here are a few of our favorite summer beauty finds to complement your natural glow.
Our Milestones <3
Since we launched in April of 2014, it’s fun to look back and see where we’ve been and how we’ve launched into the fight against plastic bags!
Can We Be Empathetic to Plastic?
We admit, there have been times when we’ve felt judgmental about people who use plastic. We thought “come on world, GET ON BOARD! We have a plastic island twice the size of Texas in our ocean! Wake up!”
No Plastic, It’s the Lifestyle
Thank you Hawaii, the first state to officially ban plastic bags. After spending time on the Big Island in Kona, it’s easy to understand why the locals are so accepting and supportive of anti-plastic bag legislation. It’s their lifestyle. Many signs on the island express statements like “leave the sand, it’s the local way” or “do your part to preserve the island” as a reminder of how important it is to honor the Earth’s beauty. And Hawaii makes it easy. There are compost and recycle bins on most busy corners. The streets and beaches are well-kept. Everyone does his or her part to maintain the pristine land. And now, the plastic bag ban. Because of this heightened consciousness, we were moved to avoid all unnecessary plastic, paper and other disposable materials during our stay on the island. Instead of considering the ban of plastic bags as a burden, it’s celebrated and embraced. We get it—as you walk along the beaches and consider the garbage that ends up in the ocean, it’s a tragic injustice to sea animals and the environment—and we commend Hawaii for this bold and critical move.